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長大成熟像耶穌 Grow in Maturity like Jesus

Updated: May 1, 2018

洗禮勉勵 4/15/18: 李牧師

Baptism Exhortation 4/15/18: Pastor Lee


在今天之前,我有幸提前讀了你們的見證。我很感動。因為我看到我們恩典的神如何一步一步帶領你們直到今天。作為基督徒,我們不相信好運。你不是運氣好,而是受到神的祝福。你蒙福,是在上帝創世以先在基督里就揀選了你 。(弗1:4)神不願有一人沉淪,乃願人人都悔改。(彼得后書3章9節)你們每一個人都被神所創造、救贖、愛護,就像阿爸父眼中的瞳仁一樣。這就是為什麼祂唯一的愛子耶穌為你們降生到世上。

受洗不是你們信仰旅途的終點。不是說一句:“Yeah!我到了!” 就結束了。相反,這只是一個開始,值得你們一生去追求的激動之旅。最近執委會弟兄姐妹正在讀陶恕牧師(A.W. Tozer)寫的一本書《渴慕神》(“The Pursuit of God”),我想從中引用一句話來教大家如何追求神:




(一)縱向的這根:代表了通過耶穌和聖靈我們與神的關係。你們在耶穌的受難與復活中接受了耶穌的愛。祂讓聖靈住在我們心中。祂被稱作真理的靈 –祂將會教導我們、領我們進入真理。去越來越多的經歷耶穌,在神的恩典與真理中成長得更像耶穌。“律法本是藉著摩西傳的;恩典和真理都是由耶穌基督來的。”(約翰1章17節)


使徒保羅在寫給哥林多教會的信中這樣說:“你們該效法我,像我效法基督一樣。”(林前11章1節)我相信我們應該運用這個原則。因此,效仿我、效仿弟兄、效仿姐妹、效仿我們所有的人,當我們都效仿耶穌时!你或許會問:“怎麼知道在我們生命中的哪一個領域應該去學習弟兄姐妹們效仿耶穌呢?” 禱告,聖靈會在你屬靈道路上引領你。




Dear brothers and sisters who are getting baptized today,

I am so happy to be able to formally call you my brother and my sister in Christ! Because now we call God our heavenly Father, and that makes us a family of God.

Last Baptism Sunday in November, we had 0, and today we have 9. Why? I asked myself. Was the church (or I) lazy last time? Or did we work harder this time? Were we less faithful last time? More faithful this time just because the number shows up? I don’t think so. I believe it is God’s timing. Some planted the seed, some watered it, "but God gave the growth. So neither he who plants nor he who waters is anything, but only God who gives the growth." (1 Cor. 3:6-7) God forbid that we let the worldly, result-oriented approach creep into the church. The miracle of life requires time, process, patience, perseverance, and above all, God’s grace—unceasing grace!

Prior to today, I had the privilege of reading your testimonies and was touched by how our gracious Lord guided you step by step till today. As Christians, we don’t believe in luck. You are not lucky—you are blessed, blessed by God’s electing grace in Jesus Christ even before the foundation of the world. God doesn’t want anyONE to perish, but everyONE to come to salvation. (2 Pet. 3:9) Each one of you is created, redeemed, and loved by our Father like the apple of His eyes. That’s why His only begotten Son, Jesus, came for you…

Baptism is not the end of your faith journey, like, "I arrived!" No, it is only a beginning—an exciting journey that is worth a whole life of pursuit. I can’t describe it better than a quote from a book that our Council members are currently reading together called "The Pursuit of God" by A.W. Tozer:

We taste Thee, O Thou Living Bread, And Long to feast upon Thee still: We drink of Thee, the Fountainhead And thirst our souls from Thee to fill. - St. Bernard

In your spiritual growth, go deeper, go higher, go wider, keep going—you can NEVER exhaust the love, the grace, and the truth of God. Read and receive the Word, obey, experience, and live it out! The Bible is not intended to merely inform our heads, but to transform our lives.

A cross is a symbol of God’s salvation, and it also represents His help to us today. There is both a vertical and a horizontal aspect to it:

I. Vertically, it represents God’s relationship to us through Christ by the Holy Spirit. You received Christ’s love in His crucifixion and resurrection, and He sent the Holy Spirit to be with us. He is called the Spirit of Truth—He will teach and lead us into the truth. Experience Him more and more to grow in grace and truth like Jesus. “For the law was given through Moses, grace and truth came through Jesus Christ.” (John 1:17)

II. Horizontally, the cross represents the relationships among us in the church. Brothers and sisters in the church are God's help in your growth in grace and truth. We will love you, we will teach you, we may even correct you in the Lord. Learn from your big brothers and big sisters in Christ. Humbly receive their ministry to you. If you have 10 siblings like me, you will understand that even though it sometimes seems like they are bossing you around, they love you.

In the Apostle Paul’s writing to Corinthian church, he said, “Follow my example, as I follow the example of Christ.” (1 Cor. 11:1) I believe we ought to apply this principle as well. So imitate me, imitate him, imitate her, imitate all of us, but only as we imitate Christ! How do you know in which areas of your life you ought to imitate Christ? Pray and the Spirit will give you discernment along the way. But do not only imitate good examples—BE a good example for others to imitate also. “Don’t let anyone look down on you because you are young, but set an example for the believers in speech, in conduct, in love, in faith and in purity.” (1 Tim. 4:12)

Be a believer of Christ, a disciple of Christ, a follower of Christ. That’s what a “true Christian” means! Make Him proud.

Let us, the whole church, grow in maturity like Jesus ! Christ is the head, we are members of His Body, we are ONE in the Lord! Welcome to the Body of Christ, my dear brothers and sisters! Welcome!

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